Part 1: Transhumanism: Guard your Soul, Spirit, and DNA
Final Days Documentary, Yuval Noah Harari
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The Sixth Seal Signs - An Investigation of the Astronomical Signs in Revelation 6
By Ender E. Law
This book has been written as a scientific and scriptural investigation of The Sixth Seal Signs, using probability and statistics as an apologetics tool to help build faith in Jesus Christ.
The sun, moon, and stars were created by God as signs for saints to look up, persevere, and to overcome when there is turmoil on earth, for His redemption draws near. As in the Days of Noah and with Nimrod’s Tower of Babel, those days are before us as:
Man attempts to become a god.
Man creates god.
Man worships the words of this man-made god.
All of these are revealed as we analyze Transhumanism.
Let’s start with God’s Word in prayer.
Scripture Review: John 1:1-5
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
John 1:1-5, NASB1995
This passage seemed appropriate given all things come into being through God. This is contrary to Transhumanism where man uses technology to become god and create god.
In the beginning, before the creation of the sun, moon, and stars, before the universe was created, there was the Word. What is “Word” in Greek?
3056 lógos (from 3004 /légō, "speaking to a conclusion") – a word, being the expression of a thought; a saying. 3056 /lógos ("word") is preeminently used of Christ (Jn 1:1), expressing the thoughts of the Father through the Spirit.2
So logos, are the thoughts of Jesus Christ, expressing the thoughts of the Father through the Spirit. In the beginning was logos, and the logos was with God, and the logos was God.
Now using this as our litmus test, let us dive into Transhumanism and test the spirit of the false prophet (Yuval Noah Harari), who claims Artificial Intelligence will soon be a god and write “a new bible”… “a new dark soulless word of god”.
Did the Six Million Dollar Man have a Soul?
Some of you may remember this popular TV show:
Queue music theme from the 70’s…
"Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, We Can Rebuild Him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster."
— Opening Narration, The Six Million Dollar Man
(source: The Six Million Dollar Man)3
The stories of the Six Million Dollar Man were fun for a boy, inspiring me to study AI and robotics in college (I’ll reserve that for another article), however, at least Steve Austin still had his spirit and soul. The $6M dollars were spent on new legs, an arm, and bionic eyeball.
Today, in 2023, we need to be aware and very alert that some are:
Decoupling the mind and body as commodities in the 21st century.
When this occurs these parts can be created, farmed, trained, grown, extended, augmented, implanted, synchronized, and sold for the highest bidder or for a monthly subscription.
Denying, dulling, and destroying the spirit and the soul.
When this occurs the body and mind become easy prey for darker disembodied spirits as they will move in to occupy the emptied body and mind.
Prophet of Transhumanism?
To better understand Transhumanism, let’s revisit Yuval Noah Harari, an author, speaker, and lead-advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF) who globalists call a “prophet”. Yuval has openly stated that the Bible is fake news and stated that there is no soul or spirit.4
We don’t have any answer in the Bible… when humans are no longer useful to the economy.
You need completely new ideologies, new religions, and they are likely to emerge from Silicon Valley, or from Bangalore, and not from the Middle East… 5
Harari denies the supernatural Word of God and replaces it with “new religions” based upon technology… from the tech centers of the world.
…and they are likely to give people visions based upon technology. Everything the old religions promised: happiness, and justice, and even eternal life…
…but here on earth, with the help of technology, and not… with the help of some supernatural being.6
Harari trusts technology and “science” in giving eternal life and not Jesus Christ. Harari, who is followed by millions, mocks God and claims these words are fake news.
16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16, NASB1995)
Transhumanism: Hacking Humans
Hacking Humans, written over a year ago will be referenced in this series with recent documentaries, interviews, and US Congressional hearings, as well as, an analysis of the scriptural perspective of Transhumanism.
As a false prophet, Harari, assumes God’s Intelligent Design is replaced with man’s “intelligent design”. He admits this will lead to a new race,
Our intelligent design is going to be the new force of evolutionary life… we might make mistakes on a cosmic scale… the results may be a race of humans that are very intelligent and very disciplined… and lack spiritual depth.7
Again Harari, hypothesizes on transforming the human, intentionally or accidentally, by stripping spirituality, a consistent theme through his talks which focus more on evolving the body and mind. Transhumanism is the augmentation and transformation of the human body and mind with technology which may include robotics, biosensors, virtual reality, nanotechnology, gene therapy, synthetic biology, and artificial intelligence - connecting the human body and brain to cloud computing.
Is this Science Fiction?
No. Yuval Noah Harari describes Transhumanism as the most important development of the 21st century. He describes Transhumanism as “surveillance, not over the skin, but under the skin”, where some external entity will be able to monitor, and potentially, control the human subject.8 In many ways his premonitions are like harbingers of the blood moons of 2025. Harari revealed their plans in a World Economic Forum speech:
People will look back in a hundred years and identify the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over,
especially surveillance under the skin,
which I think is the most important development of the 21st century, is this ability to hack human beings, to go under the skin, collect biometric data, analyze it and understand people better than themselves.9
What is this new regime of surveillance?
Answer: Advanced nano-scale biosensors injected under the skin into the body to collect biometric data over bluetooth. This mesh network allows all minds and bodies to be connected to the cloud.
This is also called the “hive mind”, much like a bee colony, which we will analyze more in future articles.
Final Days
For reference please watch, Final Days, documentary from the Directors of Died Suddenly.
Final Days exposes the scientific technological elite and their desire to become gods.
(source: Full documentary Final Days on SPN, Rumble)
Karen Kingston is featured in Final Days and you can read more of her research at The Kingston Report and here is the documentary Final Days (trailer).
Bodies, Brains, and Minds
In the Final Days documentary, Harari states:
we are about to create the first inorganic life forms after 4 billion years of evolution and in the process our own species, homo sapiens, is likely to disappear, not because we will destroy ourselves, but we will change and upgrade ourselves into something very different.
In the 21st century we will try to gain control of the world inside us, to learn how to engineer and produce bodies and brains and minds. These are likely to be the main products of the 21st century economy.10
Harari identifies three man-made products of the 21st-century:
All three empower man to:
upgrade life forms,
create new life forms,
extend existing life forms.
To Harari the following attributes of man do not exist, or are dead:
Spirit enables you to communicate with God, helping you to be a faithful witness, with supernatural senses, God-conscience, intuition, affection, memory, and reason between right and wrong.
Soul enables thoughtfulness, heartfelt emotions to feel, and a free will to decide.
Transhumanism in general only focuses in on synchronizing and uploading the mind into a quantum computer, a virtual world, to be happy and live forever, but without a spirit or soul and in extreme cases, without a body - all you need is an avatar.
Transhumanism and Extending Life
The Transhumanism objective is to upgrade the human body to live forever. As Christians we are reminded of what Jesus said to Martha,
“I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26, NASB1995)11
And from our earlier scripture, John states,
4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:1-5, NASB1995)
Jesus Christ is the life and Light of men. The World Economic Forum, would benefit to see this Light, but they do not comprehend it, as they continue to dream of living forever in the soulless darkness of Transhumanism.
So let’s take inventory of all the different aspects of Transhumanism. What are the primary technologies associated with Transhumanism?
Transhumanism Technologies
Michael Anissimov, a futurist writer and speaker, created the following list of Transhumanism technology topics.
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Mind uploading
Megascale engineering
Molecular manufacturing
Autonomous self-replicating robotics
Space colonization
Gene therapy/RNA interference
Virtual reality
You may think this list was created recently, however, it was curated and published before 2007. In 2023, ~16 years later, many of these items are in Research & Development, being beta tested, or actually being marketed as a service… if these technologies have reached this level of General Availability, have they already been used on society - without our knowledge? where will the Transhumanism mass market take mankind without checks and balances? What happens if this technology is used by a tyrannical government? How do Christians operate in this “Brave New World”?
AI Will Create a “new bible and new religion”
On May 19th, 2023, Pedro Pinto interviewed Yuval Noah Harari:
Well, we are almost like gods in terms of our powers of creation and destruction. We now have the power to create new life forms but also to destroy much of life on earth including ourselves.13
Harari hypothesizes that Artificial Intelligence will in essence become a god to some, and this god will write its own “bible”.
AI can create new ideas, can even write a new bible…
You know throughout history religions dreamed about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence by a non-human entity… every religion claims our book [is above] all the other books of the other religions, humans wrote them, but our book… it came from some superhuman intelligence.
In a few years there might be religions that are actually correct… just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI… that could be a reality in a few years…14
This interview was in 2023… a few years is ~2026. What happens when man has created a super-intelligent entity that is indistinguishable to a human? What if it is integrated throughout the:
education systems,
supply-chain systems,
security systems,
healthcare systems,
financial systems,
power grid,
transportation systems, and
cloud computing infrastructure
…that can learn and process all content across the entire internet and make decisions, but has no soul or spirit. Can it be contained as a tool or will it be a creature? How will it change mankind?
We’ll look at ChatGPT next.
In Closing
What do we as Christians do to respond to this rapidly changing technology? How much is really there and how much is hype or conspiracy theory?
The infrastructure and platform for big data and quantum computing data centers are being expanded and locked up behind biometric security systems to support the computing power required for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
AI is being marketed now as a monthly service and sold to large enterprises.
Competition is growing and new features are being rolled out at Agile development speeds.
The R&D investments in embedded circuits, self-assembling nanotechnology and Bluetooth biosensors are measurable and observable in the population.
The CRISPR technology in modifying the genome, GMO products, extending human life, and moving beyond this realm of existence is also real and being used across God’s creation.
Are we seeing what John warned us about in Revelation? The Beast of the Earth:
15 And it was given to him [The Beast of the Earth] to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even [l]speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (Revelation 13:11-15, NASB1995)15
Is Transhumanism and AGI, that is given breath and “life”, the image of the beast?
Christians Call to Action: Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians,
“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are.” 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 NASB1995
For as in the Days of Noah, protect not just your Body and Mind, but also your Spirit, Soul, and most of all your DNA created in God’s image.
Beyond Revelation 6 - the Sixth Seal, the astronomical signs will continue. Revelation 8, 12, and 13 all describe astronomical signs which will be analyzed. More research and analysis is coming on the Miyaki Event which dwarfs the Carrington Event of 1859. Meanwhile I’m taking the opportunity to start a new series on Transhumanism and its impact on mankind.
Continue to pray for discernment.
Ender E. Law
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The Sixth Seal Signs - An Investigation of the Astronomical Signs in Revelation 6
By Ender E. Law
This book has been written as a scientific and scriptural investigation of The Sixth Seal Signs, using probability and statistics as an apologetics tool to help build faith in Jesus Christ.
Harari, Y. (2023). [Youtube] Humanity is not that simple | Yuval Noah Harari & Pedro Pinto. Yuval Noah Harari.