Revelation - Gene Editing
"The most important moral question you and your children will face..."
In the previous article we introduced Professor Harari, the author of “Sapiens, A brief history of mankind”, and speaker at Davos. Professor Harari warns in the “Revelation - Hacking Humans” article,
Natural selection is replaced by Intelligent Design. In the coming decades, AI and biotechnology will give us god-like abilities to re-engineer life and even to create completely new life forms. We are about to enter a new era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design. Our Intelligent Design1
Though Professor Harari warns that this is in coming decades, the reality is, this is happening now, both in clinical trials and in the general population for globalist control, with or without informed consent. The injection itself is a gene therapy using mRNA technology. Let’s dig in and research gene editing further, which “not since the atomic bomb has a technology so alarmed its inventors that they warned the world about its use.”2
Gene Editing
Gene Editing is a technique used for modification of DNA within a cell by cutting a particular sequence by an enzyme, which leads to a change in physical traits.’ CRISPR-Cas9 (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a fast, low-cost, precise, reliable, and efficient technique for gene editing. Interestingly it was discovered in nature by studying how bacteria destroyed viruses. The bacteria’s defense mechanism worked by cutting a portion of the attacking virus DNA so the bacteria could recognize it in the future.3
Gene Editing Kits
Today scientists have the ability to purchase “knockout and knock-in kits” for the genetic editing of specific genes using CRISPR. Knockout literally means,
“Suppressing the function of a gene or inactivating it using gene manipulation methods in a DNA sequence of a gene [which] is called a gene knockout process.”4
As an example, a life sciences company, Origene, has the following purpose statement,
“Provide efficient, innovative and comprehensive solutions for life science researchers, one target at a time”5
They have a catalog of genetic kits which includes the following example of the VMAT2 Human Gene Knockout Kit using CRISPR for $1,548.00 and can be available in 2 weeks.6
The VMAT2 gene, coined the “God Gene”, has been associated with spirituality by authors and researchers7.
VMAT2 is important for transporting dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters into vesicles that are then released in the synapse of the neurons.
Faulty dopaminergic transmission is at the root of Parkinson’s. Increased VMAT2 is protective against Parkinson’s disease and also protects against toxicants that can cause Parkinson’s8,9
How did we get here so quickly? How did the world move from limited access to genetic engineering to a free marketplace of purchasing CRISPR VMAT2 Knockout Kits online with a credit card and click of a mouse? The inventors did try to warn the world of the use of CRISPR by requesting a worldwide moratorium, but this did not seem to stop the explosion of research and clinical trials with god-like Intelligent Design.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
In October 2020, geneticist, Professor Jennifer Doudna, UC Berkeley, and colleague Emmanuelle Charpentier were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their development of CRISPR-Cas9, which has revolutionized gene-editing biomedicine. Professor Doudna presents the technology yet cautions the world and recommends a pause in clinical trials to discuss the ramifications and ethical issues with CRISPR.10
Professor Doudna spoke at TED in the UK in 2015,
Geneticist Jennifer Doudna co-invented a groundbreaking new technology for editing genes, called CRISPR-Cas9. The tool allows scientists to make precise edits to DNA strands, which could lead to treatments for genetic diseases … but could also be used to create so-called "designer babies." Doudna reviews how CRISPR-Cas9 works — and asks the scientific community to pause and discuss the ethics of this new tool.11
“A Crack in Creation”
Again in 2017, The Aspen Institute interviews Professor Jennifer Doudna after she publishes her book “A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution – June 13, 2017”.
Not since the atomic bomb has a technology so alarmed its inventors that they warned the world about its use. Not, that is, until the spring of 2015, when biologist Jennifer Doudna called for a worldwide moratorium on the use of the new gene-editing tool CRISPR — a revolutionary new technology that she helped create — to make heritable changes in human embryos. The cheapest, simplest, most effective way of manipulating DNA ever known, CRISPR may well give us the cure to HIV, genetic diseases, and some cancers, and will help address the world’s hunger crisis. Yet even the tiniest changes to DNA could have myriad unforeseeable consequences — to say nothing of the ethical and societal repercussions of intentionally mutating embryos to create “better” humans. Doudna joins Walter Isaacson in conversation about gene editing and the unthinkable power to control evolution.12
Walter Isaacson: “It is about the most important technology that is going to affect our lives. CRISPR technology that will allow the editing of the human genome… and it is about the most important moral question you and your children will face, which is to what extent we should allow this technology to edit our human genome… especially if we edit the germ line which can be passed on to our children.”
Jennifer Doudna: “RNA is DNA’s chemical cousin… unlike DNA it exists in a single stranded form not a double helix… but RNA is the intermediary between DNA which held the secret of life… and protein molecules that conduct all the activities themselves…
If we make the change in an adult it is not inheritable. If we make the change in the germ line it is inheritable…
[Genetic experiments are made on] Mice… a model of human disease…
Pigs are engineered as better [organ] donors… you can program the DNA so their immune system for example looks more human like… so they behave in a human way… We have to proceed with real caution.”
Walter Isaacson: “Who is in charge of saying stop?”
Jennifer Doudna: “There are government regulatory agencies that are in charge of controlling the environmental release [of Genetically Modified Organisms]… we are in an interesting time. This technology is moving incredibly fast… it is barely 5 years old. This technology is already in clinical trials for cancer - in China. It is mind boggling the pace this scientific research has picked up with this tool. There are at least a dozen papers or more a week in the scientific literature.”13
Professor Doudna admits governments are not that fast and that the CRISPR gene-editing technology is moving at a rapid pace. She discusses gene-edit changes, not in the germline such as Sickle-cell disease which seems morally acceptable. However, China is spending ~20x more on Genetic Engineering research than the United States. In China, they are actually experimenting with CRISPR for embryo development. Professor Doudna would like a pause and put a moratorium on these experiments to discuss the moral and ethical challenges.
Genetic Warfare
A major risk is that CRISPR is widely available and there is no way to put this back in the bag. During the Q/A they discuss that one of the top 10 threat assessments to the United States is Gene Warfare. Professor Doudna encourages an international group to discuss the ethical uses, however, gene warfare is a major risk and CRISPR is easy to use and easy to misuse.14
Informed Consent
There seem to be two categories of concerns when it comes to informed consent. One is germline therapy which impacts the DNA of the embryo and is inherited by future generations, especially when the long-term risk of germline DNA therapy is unknown and infants have no say in the matter. Parents today do make decisions that impact their children, however, this impacts their children and all subsequent generations.15
The other aspect of informed consent is that with this new CRISPR technology the components can be injected without an individual’s knowledge. This is the ethics issue of today’s inoculations. Doctors, pharmacists, nurses are not informed of the contents and especially the individuals being injected.
All we see is what the globalists are saying, and the subsequent adverse effects.
Professor Harari warns in the “Revelation - Hacking Humans” article,
Our Intelligent Design is going to be the new force of evolutionary life… we might make mistakes on a cosmic scale… the results may be a race of humans that are very intelligent and very disciplined… and lack spiritual depth.16
It becomes very telling when we listen to the 2016 interview between Klaus Schwab and Charlie Rose discussing The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which we covered in the Mark of the Beast article regarding buying and selling,
Klaus Schwab: “The difference of this 4th Industrial Revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing, it changes YOU. If you take a genetic-editing, just as an example. It’s YOU who are changed. And of course this has a big impact on your identity.”17
Biblical perspective
In 1st Corinthians, Paul makes it clear that our bodies are a member of Christ and we are joined with the Lord in Spirit. Paul clearly distinguishes sins such as sexual immorality that are inside the body as those that we should avoid, for our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in us.
15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be!
16 Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, “The two shall become one flesh.”
17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.
18 Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body.
19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:15, NASB1995)
This technology brings us to some very deep and moral questions:
If we are created in God’s image, then is gene editing a sin?
Does gene editing, therapy, or any DNA/RNA modification glorify God?
Should we be editing the germline of embryo’s which may impact future generations?
Should we be taking any form of gene therapy?
We now see the plans of the globalists who want to become god’s themselves by controlling mankind through “their Intelligent Design”.
Should we go anywhere near injecting or sticking gene-editing technology into our bodies which may dull our spiritual senses or God Consciousness or leave us enslaved to Big-Pharma’s pharmakeia with endless boosters?
Please pray and think about these questions and we pray for all those in harm’s way who are being coerced into this dark global plan. Your bodies are members of Jesus Christ and therefore glorify God in your body a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Clark. C. (2022). [Video] The Great Reset | Why Did Rice Develop Self-Assembling Graphene Oxide Using Nano-Technology? Thrivetime Show: Business School without the BS.
Doudna, J. (2017). [Video] A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution. The Aspen Institute.
Editor. (2022). Gene Editing. Cas9.
Editor. (2022). Gene knockout. Genetic Education.
Editor. (2022). Purpose. Origene.
Editor. (2022). VMAT2 Knockout Kit. Origene.
Moon, D. (). VMAT2 gene: The God Gene and Neurotransmitters. Genetic Lifehacks.
Moon. D. (2022). VMAT2 gene: The God Gene and Neurotransmitters. Genetic Lifehacks.
Saey, T. (2017). Explainer: How CRISPR works. Science News for Students.
Doudna, J. (2015). [Video] How CRISPR lets us edit our DNA | Jennifer Doudna. Ted.
Doudna, J. (2017). [Video] A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution. The Aspen Institute.
Doudna, J. (2017). [Video] A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution. The Aspen Institute.
Doudna, J. (2017). [Video] A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution. The Aspen Institute.
Editor. (2017). What are the Ethical Concerns of Genome Editing? National Human Genome Research Institute.
Harari, Y. (2022). [Youtube] Yuval Noah Harari: How to Survive the 21st Century- Davos 2020. Yuval Noah Harari.
Editor. (2021). Klaus Schwab’s 4th Industrial Revolution/Great Reset: “You Will Own Nothing, And You Will Be Happy” – HOW THIS MAY BE ACHIEVED. Expanding Awareness Relations.