Jun 29Liked by Ender E. Law

Amazing once more! Connecting the dots through history and then connect it to the one and only true history book, The Bible! The work you’ve put forth and the books and fact based evidence is incredible. If one can’t see the truth behind all of these signs and your works, one can only pray for them and hope one day they wake up before it too late. Thank you for this tireless effort to bring the Way, the Truth to the world..

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

It's an honor and humbling to serve the Alpha and Omega in this way. Each week new associations are revealed and like many have shared with me, "The signs are everywhere!". We will continue to open the eyes of God's omnipotence and omnipresence to just look up at the heaven's that proclaim His name and warn us to be alert in this spiritual war.

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