The Second Horseman and Parallels to War (Part 1 of 2)
Warfare, Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, Kinzhal Missile
Jesus, the Lamb who was slain, brings John to heaven to give him a vision of things to come,
“Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.” (Revelation 4:1, NASB1995)
He is shown the 2nd Seal which is a red horse that is often associated with war.
v3 When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.”
v4 And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it,
it was granted to take peace from the earth, and
that men would slay one another; and
a great sword [Greek: machaira] was given to him. (Revelation 6:3-4, NASB1995)
The red horse has taken peace (Greek: eiréné) from the earth that men would slay (Greek: sphazó) one another with a great sword (Greek: machaira). This has traditionally been described as a global war event, however, nowhere does it actually state war explicitly in this section. War is implied as the opposite of peace which results in the slaying of one another.
This study will look at the parallels between different types of war that are occurring today both in the traditional sense of military warfare as well as psychological warfare, biological warfare, cyber warfare, and the war on the unborn (to be covered in Part 2).
God made us in His image as a Masterpiece and Satan went off “to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus” (Revelation 12:17).
Fiery Red Horse
(source: Pixbay, free image)
Red in Greek is purrhos which means fiery red. Pyro is from Latin pyr, or from Ancient Greek πῦρ (pûr, “fire”).
purrhos: red, fire-colored
Original Word:πυρός, ά, όν
Part of Speech:Adjective
Phonetic Spelling:(poor-hros')
Definition:fiery red
Usage:red, fire-colored.1
The adjective purrhos is also used to describe the fiery red dragon which we discussed in an early bible study from Revelation 12. John describes the fiery red horse and the fiery red dragon using the same Greek word purrhos only twice throughout Revelation and it doesn’t appear to be used anywhere else in the Bible. Let’s review how purrhos is used to describe the red dragon of Revelation 12.
v3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red [purrhos] dragon…And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child…
v9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world…
v17 So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. (Revelation 12:3,4,9,17, NASB1995).2
The fiery red dragon, Satan, then makes war with those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus (i.e.: Christians). John describes the dragon as Satan, but he does not define the horse/horseman as Satan or of a Satanic nature. The dragon makes war, while the horseman removes peace so that men slaughter one another with a sword or machaira in Greek. Let’s look at the different types of war which may help us look for parallels.
Different Types of War
There are many different types of war and today we are experiencing what is called 5th-Generation Warfare (5GW). Let’s first look at the different generations of warfare:
1st Generation Warfare (1GW): Relies on the line and column as the primary formation and the smoothbore musket and bayonet as its primary weapon.
2nd Generation Warfare (2GW): Still relies on linear fire, but with the genesis of maneuver emerging and the single-shot bolt-action rifle as the primary weapon.
3rd Generation Warfare (3GW): Uses basic infiltration techniques to bypass enemy defenses as well as defense in-depth, with magazine-fed bolt-action rifles and machine-guns as the primary weapons.
4th Generation Warfare (4GW): Modern insurgency and counterinsurgency, which features states facing off against evolved, technologically sophisticated insurgents who use terrorist attacks to strike directly at the vulnerable points of modern nations. The use of advanced ballistic computer driven assaults are common.3
Analysis of 5th Generation Warfare (5GW)
5GW is a type of unrestricted warfare that has no boundaries leveraging:
Psychological Warfare / Psychological Operations (breaking God’s commandment: You shall not bear false witness; You shall not lie)
PsyOps use Mainstream Media’s propaganda, entertainment, and higher education to push a certain narrative to divide mankind and cause strife.
As in Revelation 12, Satan deceives the whole world causing division among the population either on race, politics, policies, health choices, etc.
BigTech Censorship is also leveraged in this psychological warfare to silence all dissenting thoughts and whistleblowers.
Well-funded Fact Checkers, ranked highly by BigTech, publish articles to counter the truth-tellers, labeling them as FALSE when in reality they [the Fact Checkers themselves] are bearing false witness.
Cyber Warfare (breaking God’s commandment: You shall not steal)
Includes the use of attacks to bring down systems or to hijack, ransom, and steal data.
These targeted systems may be part of critical infrastructure, energy utilities, banking, transportation, healthcare, election systems, etc.
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) can be stolen through SQL Injection, a means of bypassing web application logins and getting into databases and Application Programming Interfaces (API’s) to steal health data, banking data, and election voter rolls to cause further personal, corporate, or national chaos (i.e.: captured politicians and regime changes)
Biological Warfare and Chemical Warfare (breaking God’s commandment: You shall not have any other gods and you shall not murder)
Bio/Chemical Warfare is used to terrorize and create mass fear where people are then easily deceived into following a false god. Through psychological warfare and cyberwarfare, Mass Formation takes hold of the population and an authoritative voice may become a god-like figure with answers.
The masses comply and obey (Greek: proskuneó, worship). The masses comply with mandates, masks, social distancing, health passes, tests, and even taking another bioweapon causing death (See the Fourth Horseman).
We are in a global 5th generation war (5GW) today.
Red Superpowers
Though we are in a 5GW, let’s look at some “red” superpowers that could cause a global 4GW war. There are regional conflicts that have started and could go global:
Red Russia-Ukraine War
In 2014, the war began with Russia annexing Crimea, and in 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine. The world is watching this closely as it may escalate beyond Ukraine to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Recently on November 15th, 2022, a missile was launched into Poland (a NATO member) which resulted in tense discussions when it was revealed the missile was from Ukraine and not Russia.
Update: New Patriot also shares that there are parallels with Red Ruthenia, Red Rus’ :
Nowadays the region comprises parts of western Ukraine and adjoining parts of south-eastern Poland.5
Red China invading Taiwan
In 1945 the Chinese Nationalists battling the Chinese Communists moved operations and millions of Chinese to Taiwan. The “New Cold War” continues with tense relations between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Republic of China (Taiwan). Military exercises continue in the Taiwan Strait with rumors of war. The world is also watching this closely as it may escalate beyond Taiwan. Noted is an October 11th, 2022 news article.
(source: Energy Intelligence)6
Mr. Ritter writes in his analysis on Energy Intelligence that,
Increasingly, the question no longer appears to be whether China will invade Taiwan, but when. If China does invade, it seems unlikely that the conflict would last more than a month — or that the US could do much to alter this outcome.7
The Great Sword or Machaira
Let’s continue to take a look at the weapons used in this war on mankind. Is the great sword given to the horseman analogous to the traditional weapons described in 1GW to 4GW? Or is there something special about the great sword? In Revelation Chapter 6 the sword used is the Greek word machaira which also appears in Revelation Chapter 13.
Verse Type Characteristic Possession
1:16 rhomphaia sharp two-edged Christ - Mouth
2:12 rhomphaia sharp two-edged [Christ - Mouth]
2:16 rhomphaia --- Christ - Mouth
6:4 machaira great Rider of the red horse
6:8 rhomphaia --- Death
13:10 macharia --- Beast/men
13:10 macharia --- Beast/men
13:14 machaira --- Not specified
19:15 rhomphaia sharp The Word of God - Mouth
19:21 rhomphaia --- The Word of God - Mouth
This is what an ancient Greek machaira looked like, a short sword with a slight curve.
(source: The MET, public domain)9
Machaira and Kinzhal Missile
As reported by New Patriot on Brighteon, It has been reported that Russia has a Kinzhal nuclear-capable hypersonic ballistic missile that can be launched and maneuvered in the air from a Russian Mig-31. Kinzhal in Russian means “dagger”. Note the below headlines from The EurAsian Times. Note also that Red Communist China has recently unveiled a “Kinzhal-like” hypersonic missile as well to “threaten” the west.
(source: The EurAsian Times, Russian Kinzhal Missile)10
(source: The EurAsian Times, Chinese Kinzhal-like Missile)11
Are these dagger Kinzhal missiles the great machiara short swords described by John? The Kinzhals are already being used in the Ukraine war and rumors of wars.
Is there more to the word machiara? To be continued…
In Closing
This is all in God’s plan and as watchmen, we should continue to persevere as John describes in Revelation 13: the Beast of the Sea, the globalist nation-states:
v7 It was also given to him [the 1st Beast] to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.
v8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.
v9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints. (Revelation 13:7-9, NASB1995).
Ritter. S. (2022). China’s Hardening Stance on Taiwan. Energy Intelligence.