The Horsemen, Health, Peace Talks, and the Water of Life
Best Comet of 2025 Part 2: The First and Second Horsemen correlation to World Events
This is a continuation of the previous post on Comet C/2024 G3.
What is the 2nd Horseman given to hold?
How does this correlate to a Mazzaroth Sign?
Where is the comet now?
First I’d like to give a sneak peek at a presentation I’m putting together, not just for my church small group, but also for a podcast series that will be featured in the future… I will be able to share more very soon.
Podcast Preview
For those in my generation, Baby Boomers/Generation X, remember felt boards in Sunday school? Imagine the Mazzaroth constellations as a grand cosmic felt board. God created this canvas and constellations in the firmament for signs and seasons. It’s not for horoscopes. The Mazzaroth (constellations) are to show that God is busy at work and to mark appointed times.
More to come.
The Second Horseman - War
Reference the following Mazzaroth diagram from 2023 after the October 7th, 2023 attack. The white, red, black, and pale green horses are circled (Revelation 6).
Here is an excerpt from the article:
…the Jewish perspective is that the signs of the zodiac were positioned at the time of Creation, and their influence is intimated [made known] in the Torah.
Rabbi Ullman
The Horsemen Primer
The four horsemen are described in Revelation 6 where all four bring death to mankind. Here is a Recap from 2023 where they are still valid in 2025.
All four horsemen have been given authority over ~ one-fourth of the population. The following is an excerpt from the 2023 recap article.
Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6:8b, NASB1995)
with a sword (Greek: rhomphaia)
with famine (Greek: limos)
with pestilence (Greek: thanatos) which means death, and
by the wild beasts (Greek: therion) which is the same word describing the Revelation 13 Beasts.
Based upon the research it appears the horsemen have been riding. The question is,
“are they growing tired and coming to a trot versus galloping at full speed?”
In watching the events on Earth it appears the horsemen are slowing, but time will tell.
The First Horseman (Excerpt from 2023)
If Sagittarius, from our previous article, does correlate to the First Horseman, then here’s a possible illustration of the Four Horsemen the night of October 7th, 2023 by connecting the dots between the Mazzaroth and the events unfolding.
Sagittarius associated with the First Horseman, is accelerating toward war (Scorpius), as it continues to try and conquer the people of the earth with its bow (Greek: toxon), and it kicks its crown (Greek stephanos for garland, wreath), which is correlated with the UN/WHO laurel wreaths.
The First Horseman brings death by the Beast of Revelation13 which has been correlated with the UN/WHO, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the entire public and private partnership that orchestrated the plandemic.
Sagittarius draws its bow, aiming its arrow toward Scorpius and the star Antares, which means “The heart of the Scorpion”.
The dual-natured centaur may illustrate one part beast bringing forth toxic bioweapons to conquer and another part Christ who conquers evil.
Thus taking what the enemy meant for evil and turning it for good. The truth is being unveiled throughout the world regarding the bioweapons...1
In the previous article, the comet moved through the bow (Greek: toxon) of Sagittarius. The U.S. withdraws from the WHO.
At this time we are seeing truth being revealed to the world at a rapid pace.
2025: Congratulations to RFK Jr. as the Secretary of US Health and Human Services
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is sworn-in as the Secretary of US Health and Human Services at the Oval Office. RFK Jr. talks about his path to this moment, answers questions from the media and discusses promises made by President Donald Trump.
February 13th, 2025, Fox News 4 - Dallas, TX
Five states - Texas, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana - sued Pfizer for knowing and concealing the vaccine causing myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths. That’s 10% of US states. The tide is turning.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
The Second Red Horseman of War (Excerpt from 2023)
The Second Red Horseman was granted authority to take peace from the earth. On October 7th, 2023, the one who sat on the Second Horseman took peace from the land of Israel. This led to death throughout the Middle East. Furthermore the Ukraine and Russian war started before this timeframe with men slaying one another.
v4 And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it,
it was granted to take peace from the earth, and
that men would slay one another; and
a great sword [Greek: machaira] was given to him. (Revelation 6:4, NASB1995)
Serpents and scorpions are associated with a negative connotation and as we look at the names of the stars themselves they give more depth.
Acrab, Girtab both mean Scorpion
Antares - The Heart of the Scorpion - also anti-Ares (Mars; god of War).
Shaula and Sargas - the raised tail with an arrowhead often tipped with poison.
Lesath - Perverse
“Contrary to what is right or good; wicked or depraved.
Characterized by or resulting from willful opposition or resistance to what is right, expected, or reasonable.
Willfully opposing or resisting what is right, expected, or reasonable.”2
Alniyat, Dishubba, Palkauhale, Larawag, Xamidimura - The Scorpion on its forehead has arteries leading to two eyes* of a lion, giving it clear sight as it wanders through the desert, ready to raise its tail with arrows of neurotoxic venom.
*scorpions have 6 to 12 eyes.
Machaira Scorpius Correlation to the Second Horseman
According to Ken Fleming and his predecessors' analyses, Scorpius represents “war, conflict, and the attack of the enemies”. The star Shaula denotes the raised tail and the star Lesath denotes perverse. The raised tail is like a curved poison-tipped dagger. In Revelation 6, the Second Horseman is given a great sword [Greek: machaira] (Revelation 6:4), which is a curved sword like a machete, used in close quarters to strike quickly and sometimes tipped with poison to weaken the opponent. Below we show what Apostle John may have been referring to when he wrote about the red horse bringing war and it has a machaira. He may have been describing the sign of Scorpius.
The comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) traveled through Scorpius in December 2024. But did that reflect the wars already in play or a potential resolution? Or another war? - time will tell.
2025: Peace Talks Beginning
The White House has pushed back on claims from NATO allies its picking sides in the war between Russia and Ukraine. President Donald Trump spoke with the presidents of Russia and Ukraine and says both have agreed to restart peace talks immediately. Concern has grown among NATO allies about what will happen if America leaves the fight.
Also, there were positive discussions with Israel before the January 20th, 2025 inauguration with Netanyahu’s visit. We will need to keep our eyes on China and Taiwan as there are rumors of war.
Where is the Comet Now?
The comet is now near Aquarius and its companion constellation Piscis Australis, the Southern Fish. The grouping of these two constellations including Pegasus is interpreted as “Blessing Out of Victory” and “Christ the Living Water”. This Mazzaroth group is a reminder to persevere, for God is the Alpha and Omega, the Water of Life. Do not worship, obey, the Beast of the Sea, and persevere through the Four Horsemen.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12, NASB1995
In Closing
What is the 2nd Horseman given to hold?
In Revelation 6, the Second Horseman is given a great sword [Greek: machaira] (Revelation 6:4). Sometimes tipped with poison in combat.
How does this correlate to a Mazzaroth Sign?
Scorpius also has a raised tail and a toxic stinger, curved like a machaira.
Where is the comet now?
The comet moved through Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and is now near Aquarius and Piscis Australis which denotes the “Water of Life”.
Stay tuned for both a podcast interview coming in March and a very special Blood Moon.
God Bless you all! Pray, persevere, and put on the full armor of God.