The Signs of Jonah to be featured on the Tenpenny Podcasts
March Interviews, Seven Planet Parade Alignment, Seed of the Woman 2040, and The Four Horsemen Book Preview
The Signs of Jonah Interview
A 4 part series in the month of March.
Here are links to the upcoming interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
The show will air Thursday Mar.6 at 11am EDT and can be watched at any of these spots:
on our site:
Another Planet Parade?
What is special about the next time there is an alignment?
The Four Horsemen Research Update?
Planet Parade: 7-Planets in 3 Constellations
Thank you to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny for letting me know about this planet parade. Here is where you can find her inspirational stories and research.
Another planet parade alignment is hitting the news. It will span 4 constellations over one third of the ecliptic. The planets will be clustered within 3 constellations:
Pisces with Venus, Neptune, Mercury, and Saturn,
Taurus with Jupiter and Uranus, and
Mars will be alone in Gemini.
Aries will not have any planets but is in the 33 degree arc of the ecliptic.
The world is in a pivotal period, with a new administration and the revelation of massive corruption. Here are two articles from Dr. Tenpenny on USAID.
The timing of the alignment is compelling as we are seeing the corruption. When you look at all the tax dollars that have been stolen, when you see all the crimes against humanity, it is overwhelming. Every nation has been impacted, not just the U.S. in this bondage of evil.
The Mazzaroth vs Modern-Day Astrology
Let’s pause to clearly distinguish between Modern-Day Astrology and what God created in the heavens for signs and seasons.
I want to be careful not to interpret these signs as a horoscope. This should not focus on “me” and “my fate.” The Mazzaroth was created as a storyboard for God to highlight appointed times when He wants us to look up and be prepared.
Therefore, if we examine the signs specifically using God’s Voice in the Stars and other similar interpretations,
Pisces, with its four planets, signifies “Deliverance out of Bondage—Christ the Liberator.”
Taurus, with two planets, represents “His Glorious Coming - Christ the Judge," and
Gemini, with one planet, indicates “Christ rules over all nations."1
I believe we can gain some faith out of these interpretations to help us in our prayer life and to help us persevere through the days ahead.
The headline that jumped out to me specifically was in the next section.
2040 - A Sign Appears and Shines
Notice the top BBC headline “Seven planets to be visible in night sky for last time until 2040”.2.
2040 is a significant sign that has repeated through the ages from Creation, to Noah’s flood, to the Birth of Christ, to Revelation 12 and finally 2040. This is covered in The Covenant Signs.
Here is an excerpt,
Stellarium can plot the paths of the sun, moon, and stars and paint the picture of the sky the night of September 8th, 2040 AD with the full artwork canvas of the constellations.
A spectacular conjunction of Mars, Venus, Saturn, New Moon, Jupiter, and Mercury will be visible at dusk in Virgo. Our sun this time is in Leo versus Virgo. The sun’s light does not wash out the planets at sunset. Instead the sun drops below the horizon and all heavenly bodies will briefly reflect the sun’s light giving us a sparkling set of jewels on the virgin’s arm, like bracelets and an armband set in gemstones, before she descends gracefully below the horizon.
This sign is awe inspiring, familiar, and generates a lot of questions regarding its significance to eschatology.
Is this a sign?
Possibly? God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent and can do anything He decides to do at anytime. Our finite minds cannot grasp the power and might of an infinite God.
For two thousand years, man has asked the Son of Man for a sign of the end of the age and for His return. Jesus tells us in Matthew some of the signs of the Coming of the Son of Man.3
Matthew 24 talks about the sign of the Son of Man,
(source: Logos Software, Matthew 24:29-31)
30 Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven…
Matthew 24:30, ESV4
(Source: Logos Software, Matthew 24:30 ESV, Interlinear)
Look at the Greek language that Apostle John is using in this verse. “Appear” in Greek is Strong’s Concordance #5316. φαίνω phainō, fah´ee-no which denotes to lighten (shine), i.e. show —appear, be seen, shine.5
Then look back at the 2040 alignment of planets which appears, shines, or is seen in the heavens in the Virgin, near Spica, meaning seed. This sign is the “Seed of the Woman”. All of these lights, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury, will be visible to the naked eye forming a “sparkling set of jewels on the virgin’s arm.”
The Four Horsemen
Earlier this year, after Christmas, I was starting to write a book on The Signs of Immanuel for late 2025. I’m still moving forward on this, but I will be splitting my time on another book, The Signs of the Four Horsemen.
With all that is happening in the world, especially with truth being revealed, it is time to go back and review the Four Horsemen. It also looks like we are turning a page and we should look back in the rearview mirror to learn and prepare.
This book will consolidate articles since 2021 relating to “The Four Horsemen” using events on Earth and signs in Heaven. The articles were written in real-time as events were happening with bioweapons, wars, supply chain disruptions, etc… The book will pull from each relevant article, streamline, and update the research. Diagrams, Mazzaroth charts, and timelines will also be included.
Here is a mockup for the cover. It showcases three of the signs: Sagittarius, Scorpius, and Libra. Capricorn is on the back of the cover. Each of these signs will be analyzed in the context of one of the riders. I look forward to sharing more excerpts in the future.
Targeting availability July, 2025 - subject to change.
Please continue to pray and persevere.
I look forward to an exciting March.
I have had the honor of being interviewed by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
A 4-part interview will be featured through March.
Plus the Blood Moon.
In Closing
Another Planet Parade?
7 planets across in three constellations spanning one third of the sky
What is special about the next time there is an alignment?
In 2040, a sign will shine in the Virgin.
5 naked eye visible planets will be on her arm forming a “sparkling set of jewels on the virgin’s arm.”
The Four Horsemen Research Update?
I’m starting a new book - it is time to go back and review the events in the rearview mirror.
What will occur in March 2025?
Be sure to get a copy of The Signs of Jonah as I will be going through 4 hours of material in March during the interview with Dr. Tenpenny. Please share if you find this helpful.
God Bless you all! Pray, persevere, and put on the Full Armor of God.
Molloy, M. (2025). Seven planets to be visible in night sky for last time until 2040. BBC.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Mt 24:30). (2016). Crossway Bibles.
Strong, J. (2009). In A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Vol. 1, p. 75). Logos Bible Software.
thanks for the Shout Out, Ender! and thanks for this thought-provoking post! Come Jesus!
Marilyn Hickey has a booklet on this subject.