Part 3: The First Horseman was given a Crown, Wreath, or Garland
UN/WHO and Israel the World's Laboratory, Rare Conjunction, and Mazzaroth
First Horseman:
Part 1: The First Horseman and parallels with the Healthcare Crisis
Part 2: The First Horseman had a Bow which is “Toxon” in Greek
Part 3: The First Horseman was given a Crown and parallels with the UN, WHO
Part 4: To be written
In this article, we’re going to cover the crown and what this may have meant in the context of the Four Horsemen and this will also dovetail into the previous 4 part series on the Star of Bethlehem and other Signs of the Times.
I looked, and behold, a white (Greek: leukos) horse, and he who sat on it had a bow (Greek: toxon); and a crown (Greek: stephanos) was given to him, and he went out conquering (Greek: nikōn) and to conquer (Greek: nikēsē).
(Revelation 6:2, NASB1995)1
Crown is the Greek word, stephanos, versus the Greek word diadem. Therefore the horseman did not have a “kingly tiara” but a “wreath”.
Diadem - the tiara of a king ( Ezekiel 21:26 ; Isaiah 28:5 ; 62:3 )2
4735 stéphanos – properly, a wreath (garland), awarded to a victor in the ancient athletic games (like the Greek Olympics); the crown of victory (versus 1238 /diádēma, "a royal crown").3
Therefore John was describing here a wreath or garland often seen given at the Greek Olympics. Where else have we seen this?
The UN/WHO and the constellation: Corona Australis
The stephanos is found in the constellation Corona Australis and also used in the United Nations logo and the World Health Organization (See 1st Beast of the Sea). The Corona Australis is at the foot of the constellation Sagittarius. Some traditions note that the wreath is so close to Sagittarius that it fell off the head of the centaur (i.e.: the centaur has the torso of a man; legs and body of a horse). Note also that Sagittarius has a bow, much like the first horseman on the white horse with a bow (Greek: toxon) and a crown (Greek: stephanos).
Greek to Latin Corona Analysis
In Greek, stephanos is a garland or wreath. Similarly, corona in Latin means “garland, wreath”.
Corona entered English around 1555–65. It was borrowed directly from the Latin corōna, meaning “garland, wreath, crown.”4
Furthermore, the coronavirus was named because it resembled a crown or wreath. Specifically, the coronavirus family has crown-like spikes surrounding it as a way to bind with host cells.
(source: Insider)5
The Mazzaroth Introduction
When looking back in time at the movement of the wandering stars that were placed in the heavens during creation and given names for signs. Seth (the son of Adam) and Enoch were chartered with the naming of these planets and constellations called the Mazzaroth which predate Noah. This knowledge is what was followed by the magi in finding the birth of Jesus Christ through the Star of Bethlehem. The Mazzaroth noted in the book of Job are astronomical constellations:
31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades,
Or loose the bands of Orion?
32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?
Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?
33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?
Canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? (Job 38:31-33, KJV)6
God created the Mazzaroth as a heavenly calendar using the lights in the firmament:
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. (Genesis 1:15-16, KJV)
God created the Mazzaroth for signs and seasons. We will need to study the Mazzaroth further in the future.
Israel: World’s Laboratory for the CV19 Injection Campaign
Back to the analysis of the rare December 19th to 25th, 2020 conjunction. Here is a close-up of the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction in front of Capricorn, which had not occurred since 1226 AD.
The conjunction is right behind Sagittarius and visible from December 19th to the 25th above the southwest horizon from Jerusalem after the setting of the sun.
When we look back on this sign some interesting observations can be made. First as mentioned earlier Sagittarius was given a garland (crown) that has fallen and this same garland is used on the UN/WHO logo.
The conjunction spans December 19th to 25th which corresponds with unprecedented occurrences in Israel. Israel surpassed all other countries in the world and became the “World’s Laboratory” as the leader in administering injections to its population. Published in The Jerusalem Post by Zev Stub on January 27th, 2021,
Netanyahu to Davos: Israel is 'world's laboratory for immunity'.
Israel is “in an arms race between vaccination and mutation,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Davos World Economic Forum, held online this year.
The country has vaccinated 82% of the population over age 60, so far, and aims to reach 95%, Netanyahu told Børge Brende, president of the WEF. “There will be more [mutations] in the future. That means we have to race as fast as we can.”
Netanyahu expressed hope that Israel can serve as a “world laboratory for herd immunity”. He added that “Israel can serve as a global test case to understand what is the efficacy of using… inoculation to open up economies.”7
This aggressive injection campaign started on December 19th. By the 20th of December, 8k were injected, ramping up to 150k per day by the end of the month. The leaders in Israel claimed the learnings from this massive campaign would then be used to provide knowledge of administering the shot to the rest of the world through the World Health Organization (WHO).
Also noted earlier Sagittarius has a bow which is toxon in Greek. The root word for neurotoxin and toxin is toxon originating from the early use of venom in creating poison-tipped arrows. Note below that the arrow is pointing to the next major constellation in the Mazzaroth which is Scorpio with neurotoxin in the tail of the creature.
Israel also begins to celebrate Hanukkah on December 25th, 2020, an eight-day holiday celebrating the re-dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem. When signs occur near Jewish Feasts and Holidays they are significant.
First Horseman Review:
Let’s summarize the key takeaways for the 1st horseman,
John writes about a white horse and in the previous analysis we looked at modern-day parallels with the global health crisis and medical lab coats/suits enforcing the Zero COVID Policies in China.
The white horse has a horseman that has a bow, which is the word toxon that has historical roots with Greek “toxikon pharmakon – the lethal poison that the ancient Greeks would smear on the points of their arrows”
John was surrounded by pagan Asclepius serpent worship where snake venom was used for healing by Greeks and Romans.
Pharmakon in Greek has become modern-day BigPharma where there are thousands of research papers on snake venom pharmacology studies.
Toxin-like components potentially causing Toxic Shock Syndrome are found in COVID-19 patients as well as the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein which is produced through mRNA injections.
Most compelling, the December 19th-25th conjunction corresponds with the aggressive campaign to administer the CV19 injection to the “World’s Laboratory” in Israel - being “the fastest country in the world” where practices and procedures would be promoted through the WHO to the rest of the world.
Several interesting correlations looking back at this conjunction include:
A wreath (Corona Australis) corresponding to the wreath in the UN/WHO logo where we have associated the 1st Beast of the Sea of Revelation 13.
Bow (Greek: toxon) is pointing at the scorpion’s tail with neurotoxin.
Finally, the constellation Ophiuchus (circled in blue), is the serpent holder and in Greek is known as Asclepius where the Rod of Asclepius (the snake on the rod) is also represented in the WHO logo.
Was this a warning from God that the first horseman, the first seal was to be opened? If true again it shows the omnipotence of God, the Alpha-Omega, the Beginning-End, and the First-Last. My dear readers, God will give you the strength to persevere and overcome.
We’ll continue in Part 4:
and he went out conquering (Greek: nikōn) and to conquer (Greek: nikēsē)
Stub, Z. (2021). Netanyahu to Davos: Israel is 'world's laboratory for immunity'. The Jerusalem Post.