Thank you! I do believe that we are waiting for the 6th seal- event! GBY, Amein.

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If the 6th seal is not a 1 day event, then I believe it is happening. See the post on The Sixth Seal Signs for more analysis on this hypothesis.


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It's good food for thought brother, and actually, in all my studies on eschatology , I've never contemplated the possibility that we could actually be , as you have stated - "in the middle of it!" but you have brought much to light in your calculations! Thank you I will be being ng it all to Father, GBY more & more, Amein.

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Thank you for your comments. Yes, I agree. There is a lot of research to digest in one sitting. The link above was a summary of several articles as each sign was analyzed. I may need to go back and revise some of the content as much will be unveiled in 2025. Namely the blood moons (one next month), possibly more northern lights as the sun activity will peak, and the meteor showers later this year.

The Covenant SIgns stepped back to look at signs from Creation to 2040. Anchored by the Revelation 12 sign.

The Signs of Jonah focuses more on the solar eclipses and what did Jesus mean by the "sign of Jonah". The book introduces 2 more solar eclipses in the Middle East forming a Paleo-Hebrew Tav (Greek Omega) ~40 months from the 2024 solar eclipse.

I'm in awe of HIs grand plan for us and want to 'shout it from the mountain tops' to warn people.

The Signs of Immanuel will be the 4th book in the series analyzing the birth, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension signs.

Feel free to keep asking questions and giving feedback. Iron sharpens Iron. GBY. Amen.

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So interesting yes, - I am also in awe of it all coming to pass ..I am one who forewarns, as one of His many end times malakim (messengers). I have not written, as you have done, with books, brother, so astutely blessed with cosmic knowledge, but I have to tell you - the Lord has made me extremely aware that there will be very soon - the 3 DOD (days and nights of darkness ..) as I have been in anticipation of it for several "years" now, and it has everything to do with Father's "sign" of it which will be coming. That is, the sign of Northern Lights during the day, yes, the Aurora Borealis!! My eyes perked right up when I read your writings on it. So, I know the sun has been "extreme" for quite a while with the geomagnetic storms, and CME's, X- class etc., from last year to current - so... there will be a huge asteroid which comes down and when it enters into our magnetosphere, then that will set off the radiation, or rainbow colors in our sky. It affects all the northeast when that happens including a tsunami sized tidal wave...you must be aware, I'm sure.

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Fascinating yes! Continuing to pray without fear as things are accelerating.

I never really understood Revelation until looking at it as a series of heavenly signs marking important times for His return.

I saw the Northern lights in 2024 as the solar activity increased, the sky was split like a scroll glowing a scarlet red hue - faint but it was amazing.

One of the trumpets is the torch that falls to earth. A few followers have warned me of the "lost asteroid", Apophis, or maybe it is a comet, which looks like a torch - TBD.

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I love you Biblical references and posts. As Bible student.. one little correction:

when writing it is called The Revelation. As you realize WORD study is important. I love the story of Jonah. I just have been not SLEEPING well lately; but I keep my Bible study and prayer time up to date. :) MARANATHA! so I have been waiting since 1973. :) when I was youngster. The night skies are amazing aren't they? Hardly a wonder the ancients "worshiped" the stars and heavens: all created by our HEAVENLY FATHER. Praise Jesus. ! Have a great weekend.

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Thank you for the coaching on "The Revelation".

I will say a prayer for you on your rest.

Glad you put "worship" in quotes. I'm careful that we don't worship the stars. They are a wonder and show His power and might.

God Bless and Have a great weekend.

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How about that "FORTY DAY" thing? I mean Jesus also spent 40 days in the desert. That is a good example of the how our Creator God uses math or symbols over and over again. And Daniel. I have read the Bible now since 1975 and later studied it as serious student in a program. (I am retired Biological scientist which only further proves God is our Creator God) to me anyway. I never tire of reading the Word of God or derive something. READ some of Jonathan Cahn's books. It was he who really introduced me to the "Math" embedded in the Bible.. aside from the Acrostic poetry of King David. So much to learn and so little time to learn it in: until God reveals it. Then it it like WOW. Why didn't I see that "before?" PTL. :) Thanks, Great blog and Substack. Isabell

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I'll be briefly covering the "Nineveh 40 Days or be overcome" sermon by Jonah in a 4-Part series with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny in March.

I have one slide with the following patterns:

“Yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown”

Noah’s Flood 40 days & nights

Israel spied the giants in Canaan for 40 days

Goliath 40 days

Israelites in the wilderness 40 years

Period of Testing

Note there is another solar eclipse in 2027 over Egypt and the Red Sea, ~40 months after the 2024 solar eclipse over the U.S.

Thanks for your encouragement - I need your prayers for discernment.

God Bless.

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