The Seed of the Woman & The Seed War
The Signs of Jonah Preview: Image of God, Days of Noah, and Genetic Editing Technologies
Book Preliminary Draft Preview
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Excerpts from The Signs of Jonah, now in its 10th Draft - Chapter 5 screenshot.
Excerpt from pages 38 to 43…
Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27, ESV
Since the Biblical Creation, God has desired that we protect the image of God from Satan. This story arc spans from the Seed of the Woman (Genesis 3:15) to the virgin birth of Jesus, to Revelation 12:1-17, where the serpent, the dragon, aka Satan will battle against the remnant seed, those who follow the commands of Jesus Christ. The offspring that persevere, repent, and believe in Jesus will have everlasting life (Revelation 12:17, 14:12). In the Lexham Context Commentary, it clarifies,
This passage [Revelation 12-13] defines the earthly combatants in the conflict between the dragon and the seed of the woman: the two beasts and the followers of the Lamb. The conflict that God promised in the garden between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent comes to a final head here at the very end of the Bible’s story1
God created man and woman and their offspring, in His image, the Image of God, which Satan, the Dragon, will attempt to destroy.
Seed is defined as the means of propagating life from one generation to another. God does not want our seed to be tampered with or corrupted. This is why Noah found favor in the Lord (Genesis 6:8). Noah was righteous, blameless, and walked with God.
Blameless (Hebrew: tamim) also denotes without blemish, whole, complete, perfect, and uncorrupted from the original.2
Image of God
The late Dr. Michael Heiser, an Old Testament scholar, summarizes the meaning of the “Image of God” and makes the following observations from the passages (Genesis 1:26-27, 5:1-3, and 9:6).
• The image of God is gender neutral.
• The image of God as a phrase is applied only to humans. Therefore, humanity is to be distinguished from the rest of earthly creation.
• Humanity is, in some way, like God. The copy is like the original Creator in some way.
• There is no hint that humanity grows into the image, or develops the image. There is no “potential” image of God. Whatever the image of God means, it is by definition inseparable from the human species.
• Nothing suggests that the image has been or can be bestowed incrementally or partially. There is no “partial” image.
• Humanity is made the steward-master of creation; the reverse is not the case.
• The “imaging” vocabulary is linked to childbearing. Humans after Adam and Eve are not direct creations of God, but Gen 9:6 recognizes later humans as being in God’s image
• The image of God is described with the language of plurality (“Let us make … our image”).
Days of Noah
Dr. James L. Kugel is professor emeritus in the Bible department at Bar Ilan University in Israel and Hebrew Literature at Harvard University, author of The Bible As It Was, examines the Old Testament understanding of the great flood based upon the Genesis account of giants in the land due to the union of human females with the sons of God (Genesis 6), resulting in the Nephilim. Dr Kugel quotes the books of 1 Enoch 6 and Jubilees 5,
And the women bore giants and thereby the whole earth has been filled with blood and iniquity.
1 Enoch 9:9
They [human women and the sons of God] gave birth to children for them and the[se] were giants. Wickedness increased on the earth. All flesh corrupted its way - from people to cattle, animals, birds, and everything that moves about on the ground.
Jubilees 5:1-5
These books paint a pre-flood picture of a forbidden union between species where gene pools were mixed and corrupted through supernatural synthetic biology. This was not what God had intended during the Biblical Creation, thus,
The flood not only killed the wicked but purged the earth like a purifying bath.3
Genesis 6-9 describes a fresh start after the purifying flood waters. God directed the selection of humans and animals on Noah’s Ark, each of “their kind” (Hebrew mîyn, meen; to portion out; a sort, i.e. species).4 Only the humans and animals, created specifically by God, were protected and later permitted to be fruitful and multiply on Earth.
In Genesis 3:15, the Protevangelium, summarizes the seed war. Enmity, (Hebrew ay-baw) denotes Satan’s hatred and hostility toward the Seed of the Woman, the remnant seed, the offspring created in God’s image. Satan will deceive man into corrupting the seed by playing god himself.
“A Crack in Creation”
In 2017, Jennifer Doudna, a geneticist, published the book A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution. She was then interviewed about the ethics behind allowing CRISPR to edit the human genome, especially the germ line, which can be passed to future generations. The challenge is global control and governance of this technology.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) on November 2017 published a paper using CRISPR to edit RNA for potentially new gene therapies5. Furthermore, in 2017, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published a detailed article, “The battle to own the CRISPR–Cas9 gene-editing tool which has the potential to revolutionize medicine and agricultural research.”6 In 2020, geneticists, Jennifer Doudna and E. Charpentier were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for co-inventing CRISPR-Cas9 which can precisely edit DNA strands for “designer babies”, and to remove hereditary diseases. However, CRISPR-Cas9 has resulted in many ethical questions and concerns.
Many sounded the alarm when the World Economic Forum (WEF) pushed Transhumanism, “surveillance under the skin”, and gene editing7 into the Fourth Industrial Revolution led by globalists. Censorship and propaganda deceived the masses on the true agenda of the gene therapies being mandated, to enhance, modify, and edit the image of God.
In 2023, Kevin McKernan, former MIT R&D lead at the Human Genome Project, uncovered contamination in the injections. Reference the 2024 interview by Dr. Steve Greer from The HealthCare Channel, with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, microbiologist, and K. McKernan, “Why the COVID "mRNA" injections are actually DNA gene therapies that must be removed from the market”. McKernan states,
(Note: the screenshot above is linked to the original video)
“We are dealing with over 40 trillion mRNA injected with a [single injection] and a human has 30 trillion cells. This is a very large dose”.
Dr. Bhakdi states, “You don’t realize how many seeds are planted for an autoimmune attack… You don’t go around playing God Almighty changing your genome.” “My message to the world is WHO’s intent to install all realms of RNA [injection] in human and veterinarian medicine must be stopped on the spot.“8
Today, we are again in the Days of Noah, flesh is being corrupted by the unseen realm, an attack of alien demonic seeds (Genesis 3:15, 6). For additional substack reading see “Revelation - Gene Editing” and “Revelation Technology - Clay & Iron?”, and Part 7: Transhumanism: Gene Therapy a Trojan Horse to Human 2.0 and Totalitarian Control.
Here are links to previous articles referenced above.
Mangum, D., ed. (2020). Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament (Re 13:1–14:5). Lexham Press.
Rodrigues, A. M. (2014). Perfection. In D. Mangum, D. R. Brown, R. Klippenstein, & R. Hurst (Eds.), Lexham Theological Wordbook. Lexham Press.
Kugel, J. (1997). The Bible as it was. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Strong, J. (2009). In A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Vol. 2, p. 65). Logos Bible Software.
Hicklin, T. (2017). CRISPR technology adapted to edit RNA. NIH.
Jewell, C. (2017). The battle to own the CRISPR–Cas9 gene-editing tool. WIPO Magazine.
Clark, C. (2023). CRISPR | Jennifer Doudna at the WEF. Thrivetime Show.
Oh dear, I cannot read the small print but want to.
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