The wise men have reached Jerusalem after seeing His star (i.e.: Jupiter) and the signs in the heavens.
This video will research and show the Christmas star on the night that the magi find the young child, Jesus Christ.
This will be a multi-part demonstration from The Covenant Signs.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Update: travel time reference clarification from the book,
If the wise men were from Chaldean tribes originating from Babylon, it takes ~38.25 days (~306 hours, 8 hrs/day) of uninterrupted walking from the City of Ur in Chaldea to Bethlehem. It is assumed that they did not travel everyday at 8 hours, so let’s assume a ~2 to 4 month journey. Therefore it seems plausible that the magi and their caravan traveled from Chaldea to Jerusalem.
Additional References:
Others who have also studied [correction] September 11th, 3 BC:
Heiser, M. (c2023). Certificate Programs - Certificate of Biblical Studies - Unseen Realm 102 - Module 05 - In the Fullness of Time: The Birth of Jesus as a Signal of Cosmic Reversal. AWKN School of Theology.7
Larson, R. (2021). About the project. The Star of Bethlehem8
Martin, E.L.9 (1976-2023) The Star of Bethlehem: The Star That Astonished the World. Associates for Scriptural Knowledge.
Ray, T. (2011). September 11th, The Day Jesus Christ Was Born.10
Articles from previous years:
2021: Rick Larson’s “Star of Bethlehem” documentary and analysis was reviewed.
2022: Related series
2024: See Multiple Chapters from The Covenant Signs.2022: Related series.
God Bless.
Additional Research:
The Sixth Seal Signs and The Covenant Signs take the apologetics approach where science and probability reinforce God’s signs and Covenants.
Bullinger, E.W. (1893, 1967). The Witness of the Stars, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel.
Fleming, K. C. (1981). God's Voice in the Stars, Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey.
Seiss, Joseph A. (1979). The Gospel in the Stars, Castle Press, 1884; Grand rapids, Michigan: Kregel.
Kennedy, D. James (1989). The Real Meaning of the Zodiac.
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