
Parade of Planets, Stargate, & New eBook

Introductory Pricing of The Signs of Jonah eBook

Planet Parade

Many media sources have been talking about the “planet parade” this week which is visible worldwide. Approximately 6 planets are in one quadrant of the 360 degree circuit of the ecliptic and visible across three constellations (Gemini, Taurus, and Pisces).

It includes the visible planets: Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Neptune and Uranus are not visible with the human eye. Mercury is in the sun and not visible. Most media outlets have not discussed the Mazzaroth so I decided to put together the very brief 4 minute video.

Source: Mazzaroth Charts1, 2

Music by Mikhail Smusev from Pixabay

Reference Approach and Meaning of the Mazzaroth.

Note that this research follows the late Dr. Michael Heiser who teaches in the Unseen Realm 101 - Session 08 from the AWKNG School of Theology, that there is a Jewish and Christian study of the heavens and that it

…reflects that God is busy… He's at work, and the Bible talks about signs in the sky being portents of what God is going to do here and there, especially the coming of the Messiah.3

This is not looking at the signs as a personal horiscope or divination.

Meanwhile back on Earth, things are accelerating…


The new Trump Administration has pulled the U.S. out of the WHO, banned CBDC, and pulled us out of the Paris Agreement, to name a few of the many Executive Orders. All good things that paralleled Revelation 6, 12 and 13 timelines.3

However, then Oracle, OpenAI, Softbank, and Nvidia all pile into Stargate with $500B.4

“Out of the frying pan and into the fire.” ? Time will tell.

The dragon, the serpent of old, Satan, continues to make war with the remnant seed. The “Super AI” continues to look like the “image of the beast” (Revelation 13). The mRNA cancer vaccines must be banned, per Dr. Bakhadi and others (See “A Crack in Creation”). We cannot continue to edit the image of God and play god. Is this all leading to Revelation 14 - The Messages of the Three Angels? (For a future analysis).

The following quote is from The Signs of Jonah - Chapter 20: The Number 40: 2027 and 2034 Total Solar Eclipses,

Jesus speaks to the disciples privately on the Mount of Olives in Matthew 24 about the signs of the the end of the age.

“And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.” Matthew 24:22,ESV

Mark also accounts for this statement by Jesus clarifying that the days are cut short,

“And if the Lord had not cut short [Greek: kolobóō*] the days, no human being [Greek: sarx**] would be saved [Greek: sozo]. But for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days.” Mark 13:20, ESV [emphasis added]

*kolobóō occurs in the NT in Mt. 24:22 in the figurative sense “to cut short.” God has cut short the time of affliction, i.e., made it less than the oppressors purpose, so that the elect may be preserved from physical destruction (as indicated by the “all flesh” of Mk. 13:20, the physical nature of the sufferings, and the presence of the elect at the parousia [Second Coming], Mk. 13:27).5

**σάρξ -ὸς, ἡ; (sarx), n. Flesh. body — the entire structure of an organism, animal, or human being.6

In order for Jesus to save the elect before the Second Coming, the days must be cut short or no human being will be saved (Greek sozo) which denotes saved, healed, preserved, and made whole. Thus if Jesus delays, all flesh will be corrupted by this evil generation that uses evil deceptive sorcery. We are in the Days of Noah (Genesis 3:15, 6), flesh is being corrupted by the unseen realm, a global attack of alien demonic seeds must be put to a stop.7

Continue to look up at the signs and Jesus Christ, the Strength of the Blood Covenant, the Alef Tav.

The Signs of Jonah - eBook Launch

I launched the eBook first on Kindle.

For now, it’s priced economically at $3.15, inspired by Genesis 3:15, after the Protevangelium, the first Gospel message.

I hope you like the ebook.

The paperback is in the works which will be available shortly.

Book description:

This book is a collection of apologetics & eschatological scholarly research articles that unveil a story of redemption, resurrection, & repentance to build up the faith of the saints.

Jesus was asked by Pharisees to give them a sign, but He only gave a “sign of Jonah” to an evil generation. Many scholars have debated the meaning symbolically and literally and the following questions will be researched and studied:

What exactly is the sign of Jonah? Is Jonah being swallowed by a sea monster as a parallel prophecy of His resurrection? Or…

A celestial sign? A solar eclipse crossing over Nineveh(s)? A Cross of Peace? Empty Cross? Alef Tav? Strength of the Blood Covenant?

How are the solar eclipses related to the Revelation 12 sign? The Seed of the Woman? The little King? The Beast of the Sea?

What is the Prophetic Year, “time times and half a time”, 1260 days, & 42 months as related to the 2017 to 2024 eclipses and events?

Who is the Beast of the Sea as it relates to Jonah and today? Which evil generation is given the sign? Who are the rulers and powers?

Is there a timeline? Why does Jonah give Nineveh 40 days? What is next for mankind? Is there another sign?

After reading this book, you may view the 2017 to 2024 timeline as a period of testing, repentance, and personal transformation. As imagers of God, do we have a change of heart like Nineveh?


Share Ephesians 6:10

God Bless you all! Pray, persevere, and put on the full armor of God.




Fleming, K. C. God's Voice in the Stars, Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey, 1981.




Kittel, G., Friedrich, G., & Bromiley, G. W. (1985). In Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged in One Volume (p. 452). W.B. Eerdmans.


Brannan, R., ed. (2020). In Lexham Research Lexicon of the Greek New Testament. Lexham Press.


Law, E. E. (2025). The Signs of Jonah. p 175.

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