Chimeras, Centaurs, and Crowns - Oh My - Is Sagittarius the First Horseman?
Revisiting the centaur and constellation meaning in the Mazzaroth and Beyond
In 2005, The New York Times, published an article, “Chimeras on the Horizon, but Don't Expect Centaurs”, by Mr. Nicholas Wade,
Common ground for ethical research on human embryonic stem cells may have been laid by the National Academy of Sciences in the well-received guidelines it proposed last week… people will be hearing a lot more about chimeras, creatures composed of more than one kind of cell. The world of chimeras holds weirdnesses that may require some getting used to.
The original chimera, a tripartite medley of lion, goat and snake, was a mere monster, but mythology is populated with half-human chimeras -- centaurs, sphinxes, werewolves, minotaurs and mermaids, and the gorgon Medusa.1
Today, chimera’s have entered modern day vocabulary. CRISPR-Cas9 makes it possible to modify the genome, man has the technology to create animal-human hybrids or animal-animal hybrids.
In 2019, Koplin, J. and Dominic, W. published on PMC PubMed, “Moral uncertainty and the farming of human-pig chimeras”,
We have argued that two common moral views are in tension with each other. On the one hand, it is widely believed that the creation of human-pig chimeras with partly humanised brains would raise weighty moral concerns, largely because the moral status of such animals would be uncertain.2
National Geographic publishes the following article, “Human-Pig Hybrid Created in the Lab - Scientists hope the chimera embryos represent key steps toward life-saving lab-grown organs” by Erin Blakemore,
(source: National Geographic)3
The ethics of genome editing with CRISPR is a major concern today. Just research mRNA and DNA contamination now being discovered.
Some theologians like Rob Skiba and Dr. Gene Kim have theorized that the sons of god may have been intermingling with non-human (e.g. animal) flesh, especially before the flood. Thus God was displeased and destroyed all flesh that He had not created Himself. Could chimeras have walked the earth and been depicted in the constellations?
Chimeras in the Constellations
(source: Disney, The Chronocles of Narnia)
Sagittarius is depicted as a centaur. Centaurs are found in Greek mythology and in stories like The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Sagittarius, the centaur, has the familiar torso of a man and body of a horse. Capricorn is also a form of goat and fish chimera.
In the First Horseman study, the following Stellarium diagram summarized the discoveries:
The December 20th conjunction (in front of Capricorn) is on the same day as the aggressive campaign to administer the CV19 injection to the “World’s Laboratory” in the State of Israel without informed consent.
Sagittarius the centaur has a Bow (Greek: toxon) which is pointing at the scorpion’s tail.
Scorpions sting with neurotoxin using their tails.
Notice above as you look above Sagittarius there is a large man wrestling a serpent.
The constellation Ophiuchus (circled in blue), is the serpent holder and in Greek is known as Asclepius, where the Rod of Asclepius originated (e.g. “a single snake wrapped around a rod”).
The Rod of Asclepius is also used in the World Health Organization (WHO) logo.
Corona Australis with 10 Stars
A wreath, Corona Australis, also known as the “southern crown”, is at the foot of Sagittarius and has 10 primary stars.
Corona Australis is said to represent the crown worn by the centaur.4
The wreath coincidentally looks like the laurel wreath in the United Nations (UN) and WHO logo.
In a previous study we investigated the parallels between the 1st Beast of the Sea of Revelation 13 with these global powers.
Corona means crown in Latin, and it has 10 primary stars. Where have we seen the number 10 used in Revelation?
Is it coincidence that the 1st Beast of the Sea in Revelation 13 has 10 crowns?
“…with ten crowns on its horns…” Revelation 13:1, NIV
Below the Stellarium image of Corona Australis has been inverted to show the 10 primary stars that parallel the 10 crowns on the Beast of the Sea which has been interpreted as globalism…
Is Sagittarius the First Horseman?
The screenshot below shows “The Great Conjunction” in front of Capricorn followed by Sagittarius with a bow and a crown.
Reference Revelation 6 and the description of the First Horseman.
2 I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer…
Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.Revelation 6:2,8b, NASB1995
with sword (Greek: rhomphaia)
with famine (Greek: limos)
with pestilence (Greek: thanatos) which means death, and
by the wild beasts (Greek: therion) which is the same word describing the Revelation 13 Beasts which has been interpreted as the globalists.
In Revelation 13, the Beast of the Sea rises:
Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names.
Revelation 13:1, NASB1995
Could the 10 primary stars of Corona Australis at the foot of Sagittarius, the First Horseman who was given a bow and crown be symbolic of Revelation 6 and 13?
In a future article, the ten horns and seven heads of the Beast of the Sea will be analyzed which also can be found, coincidentally, in the Mazzaroth.
Christ the Conqueror
Let’s look at the meaning of Sagittarius, the centaur, as researched by Ken Fleming, missionary and theologian, from God’s Voice in the Stars - Zodiac Signs and Bible Truth:
Fleming and his counterparts interpret Sagittarius as a conqueror which seems to parallel the First Horseman that:
went out conquering and to conquer…
Revelation 6:2, NASB1995
However in Fleming’s interpretation of the star names, there seems to be a dual meaning with this “two-natured” image of a centaur. He titles this group of constellations as The Final Triumph where Christ is the Conqueror.
Above and Beyond Sagittarius
The following shows the constellations around Sagittarius:
Corona Australis sits between Sagittarius and Scorpius, which can be interpreted as the 1st and 2nd Horsemen, respectively. Both horsemen are given authority over the earth to kill by the Beast of the Sea who wears 10 crowns.
Scorpius represents “War, Conflict, The Attack of the Enemy” (to be analyzed with parallels to the 2nd Horseman of war)
Ophiuchus is the “The serpent holder, the Restrainer”. What is the serpent reaching for in the top right of the screenshot?
When we rotate the sky we now have a clear image of what is at the head of Serpens the serpent. Notice below, Corona Borealis (also known as the Northern Crown), comes into view between Hercules who is wrestling a three-headed hydra and Bootes with the star Arcturus.
Arcturus is mentioned in the Book of Job (c2200 B.C.).
Arcturus: Bear-keeper, the name given by the ancients to the brightest star in the constellation Bootes. Reference( Job 9:9 ; 38:32 ).6
Serpens the serpent is going for the crown, Corona Borealis, which has 7 primary stars. Also below is shown the constellation Serpens which has 7 primary stars. This seems to correlate to Revelation 12:
3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems.
Revelation 12:3, NASB1995
In Closing
In the Four Horsemen series, the following articles were published and this is a re-analysis of Sagittarius from a Mazzaroth perspective which continues to complete the puzzle as we investigate the meaning of God’s creation and possible signs.
The correlation of Corona Australis to the crowns of the Revelation 13 Beast of the Sea is a recent discovery. The correlation of Corona Borealis to the crowns of the Red Dragon in Revelation 12 as well as the 7 stars in Serpens was analyzed in this article from December, 2021.
Let’s refer back to Rabbi Ullman’s response to a question on the Zodiac origins on “Ask the Rabbi”:
…the Jewish perspective is that the signs of the zodiac were positioned at the time of Creation, and their influence is intimated [made known] in the Torah.
Rabbi Ullman
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,”
says the Lord God,
“who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:8, NASB1995
Please pray for perseverance and peace.
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The Sixth Seal Signs - An Investigation of the Astronomical Signs in Revelation 6
By Ender E. Law
This book has been written as a scientific and scriptural investigation of The Sixth Seal Signs, using probability and statistics as an apologetics tool to help build faith in Jesus Christ.