Ephesians 6:10
Ephesians 6:10 Podcast
Chapter 7 of The Covenant Signs: The Densest Gatherings of Planets in the Past 5,000 Years

Chapter 7 of The Covenant Signs: The Densest Gatherings of Planets in the Past 5,000 Years

The Covenant Signs: An Investigation of the Astronomical Signs in God’s Covenants & The Star of Bethlehem

This is a reading of “Chapter 7 -  The Densest Gatherings of Planets in the Past 5,000 Years” of The Covenant Signs.

This podcast returns to the three conjunctions found in the Bamboo Annals and attempts to calculate the probability of these three conjunctions using three methodologies.

source music:

Music by Oleg Fedak from Pixabay

Now Available: The Sixth Seal Signs and The Covenant Signs

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COMING SOON: “The Signs of Jonah”