Blood Moons, the Beast, and the Beautiful Birth of Jesus Christ
UNHRC, WHO, and Blood Moon over the Americas near the Virgin
What will occur in March 2025?
What does Luke say about this?
How is the Blood Moon related to Genesis 3:15?
2025 Blood Moons
Published in The Sixth Seal Signs, are two blood moons that uniquely cover all nations on Earth with a blood red.
In 2025, between the two blood moons, the entire earth’s major continents will be covered within a six-month window. Is this a sign? How rare is this event? How often do two blood moons cover all the nation-states with a dim orange-red blood-colored light… as if Jesus shed His blood for the world?
After searching back to 1900, total lunar eclipses are not rare, however, two blood moons that line up in the same year to cover all major continents appears to be very rare. There is one pair of 1902 blood moons, which seem to come close to covering all continents and another single blood moon in 1945 covers 4 continents, excluding Asia. The two blood moons, in 2025, that cover all major nation-states, appear to be unique at least since 1900.1
Scripture Reference
Luke writes the following in the book of Acts,
And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; 18 even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.
19 And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke;
20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.
21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
Acts 2:17–21, ESV2
(Logos Software, Interlinear, ESV, Acts 2:20)
The sun has recently turned to darkness (Greek: skotos) through three solar eclipses across the United States (2017, 2023, and 2024). For more research and analysis of solar eclipses see The Signs of Jonah.
In 2025 the moon will turn to blood (Greek: haima).
αἷμα (haima). n. blood. Referring to either human or animal blood in a literal sense; in a figurative sense, it can indicate the thing constituting the life of a living thing (i.e., “lifeblood”).3
As one looks at the maps above, nearly every nation-state is covered in blood in 2025. A global spiritual battle between the authority of the Beast versus the Alpha and Omega, Jesus Christ, for all the souls of every nation.
On January 20th, 2025, the United States pulled out of the World Health Organization (WHO) a second time.
On February 4th, 2025, the following Executive Order was signed by President Trump regarding the United Nations (UN), ending funding to certain UN organizations.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose. The United States helped found the United Nations (UN) after World War II to prevent future global conflicts and promote international peace and security. But some of the UN’s agencies and bodies have drifted from this mission and instead act contrary to the interests of the United States while attacking our allies and propagating anti-Semitism. As in 2018, when the United States withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the United States will reevaluate our commitment to these institutions.
Three UN organizations that deserve renewed scrutiny are the UNHRC; the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
UNRWA has reportedly been infiltrated by members of groups long designated by the Secretary of State (Secretary) as foreign terrorist organizations, and UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel. UNHRC has protected human rights abusers by allowing them to use the organization to shield themselves from scrutiny, while UNESCO has demonstrated failure to reform itself, has continually demonstrated anti-Israel sentiment over the past decade, and has failed to address concerns over mounting arrears.
Sec. 2. UNHRC and UNESCO Participation. (a) The United States will not participate in the UNHRC and will not seek election to that body. The Secretary shall terminate the office of United States Representative to the UNHRC and any positions primarily dedicated to supporting the United States Representative to the UNHRC.
A Beautifully Glorious Birth
In The Signs of Jonah, “Chapter 1. Three Great American Solar Eclipses”, the following is quoted,
Witnessing the power and authority of God’s power. J.M. Everts writes in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE),
The most terrible and impressive signs of the sun and the moon are solar and lunar eclipses. These phenomena are briefly but unmistakably described in several passages, e.g., Joel 2:31. To God’s people eclipses were signs of the power and authority of God, who forbade them to be alarmed at portents that distressed the heathen.4
The March 13th, 2025 Blood Moon is shown below. The moon will turn blood red before midnight between the Virgin and Lion.
When analyzing this lunar eclipse in Stellarium, it was no surprise. Its position correlates with the signs of the Biblical Creation, Noah’s Flood, the Birth of Jesus Christ, and the Revelation 12 sign (Reference The Covenant Signs). Also, reference the following video on The Signs of Immanuel (a future book, work in progress).
This lunar eclipse occurs at the head of the Virgin and the foot of the Lion. For those who have followed this substack, these signs probably look familiar — too familiar. They are known as the beginning and the end of the 12 major constellations in the Mazzaroth. The virgin begins the storyboard and the lion ends the circuit along the ecliptic.
The lunar eclipse occurs ~12 degrees from Denebola, denoting the “Judge Who Comes” at the tail of Leo, the Lion of Judah.
Especially compelling is that the blood moon will be less than 3 degrees from Zavijava, translated as “gloriously beautiful”.5 The virgin will bear a Son and He shall be named Immanuel. The “Seed of the Woman” will become Jesus Christ. A gloriously beautiful event, bringing Immanuel down to Earth, to walk as a man, to fulfill prophecy supernaturally, and to die for our sins. His blood was the ultimate sacrifice, the “Strength of the Blood Covenant”, He is the Alef-Tav, the Alpha and Omega, and the Beginning and the End.
In Closing
What will occur in March 2025?
A Blood Moon, one of 2 in 2025.
2025 is one year after 3 solar eclipses.
Eight years after the Revelation 12 sign.
2025 is the same year when solar activity peaks, and when Northern lights will increase.
2025 is the year that the Draconid meteor showers will resume their intensity.
Reference the following article posted in 2023 on the Two Blood Moons
What does Luke say about this?
20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.
21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
Acts 2:17–21, ESV
How is the Blood Moon related to Genesis 3:15?
The eclipse is perfectly positioned between the Virgin and the Lion which has been associated with the “Seed of the Woman”, telling the story of the curse on the serpent. The seed, offspring, persevered through to Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, to fulfill the Gospel story of the birth of Jesus Christ, to the Revelation 12 great wonderful sign in heaven.
I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring [seed in the KJV] and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”6
Genesis 3:15, ESV
Please pray for me this weekend as I’ll be recording a podcast interview coming in March.
God Bless you all! Pray, persevere, and put on the full armor of God.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Ac 2:17–21). (2016). Crossway Bibles.
Jones, S. A. (2014). Passover. In D. Mangum, D. R. Brown, R. Klippenstein, & R. Hurst (Eds.), Lexham Theological Wordbook. Lexham Press.Revelation 13 - The Beast of the Sea
Everts, J. M. (1979–1988). Astronomy. In G. W. Bromiley (Ed.), The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised (Vol. 1, p. 347). Wm. B. Eerdmans.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Ge 3:15). (2016). Crossway Bibles.