Reposting Part 9: Transhumanism: "Living Circuits" with Nano-Communication Networks
Internet of Bodies, Research by Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz and team from Georgia Institute of Technology
Let’s transition from outer-space to inner-space, from the supernatural to the scientific.
Please pray for discernment as the following material may be difficult to process. This is not “conspiracy theory”. It is communication engineering and nano-scale machines at the molecular level.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
Ephesians 6:10, NASB1995
This article is part of the multi-part Transhumanism series and will analyze Nano-Communication Networks, BioNanoThings, and applications of this technology over more than a decade.
The next series of presentations showcase nano-level research, combining molecular biology and communications engineering from 2012, 2020, and 2023, showing how this technology started to be developed well over a decade ago. The fundamental building blocks were intended for medical health monitoring benefits.
Dr. I. F. Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering is presenting at N3Cat (NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya), Barcelona, Spain, 2012.
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)1
What is a Nanonetwork? (c2012)
Dr. Akyildiz first starts with the basic definitions that nano-machines are:
Nanotechnology-enabled devices with nanoscale functional units including
Computing - The ability to algorithmically process data.
Data storage - The ability to store data such as memory or persistent short or longterm memory
Sensing (nano-sensors) - The ability to collect measurements
Actuation - the act of causing a machine to operate
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)2
Nano-networks is the interconnection of these nano-machines, enabling more complex tasks to be executed in a distributed manner.
In computer architecture there is the concept of monolithic versus distributed micro-services based programs. Many legacy applications are monolithic and run on a single server, laptop, or mainframe. Over the last decade or more there has been a shift to services-based architecture where each micro-service executes a simple task. By linking together these micro-services, the entire distributed system is able to run in a scalable cloud-based architecture to accomplish complex functions. This same concept is being implemented, at nano-scale.
Design of Nano-machines (c2012)
In the diagram below, the originating source platform of these nano-machines is split between nature and man-made:
Originating from nature includes:
Top-Down: Insects, cells and bacteria
Bottom-Up: Antigens, antibodies, hormones, DNA, organelles, mitochondria
Originating from man-made nano-material synthetic sources:
Top-Down: Micro-sensors to nano-sensors
Bottom-Up: Zinc Oxide nanowires, Carbon nanotubes, Gold nanoparticles, Graphene Nano-ribbons, nano-transistors, nano-memories, nano-batteries
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)3
Nano-materials include graphene, nanotubes (a folded nanoribbon, 1991), and nanoribbons (a thin strip of graphene, 2004). Graphene is a one-atom-thick planar sheet of bonded carbon atoms in a honeycomb crystal lattice.4
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)
As of 2012, Dr. Akyildiz notes there are flagship activities with several billion dollars invested leveraging quantum mechanics to develop graphene based nano-machines. The architecture of the nano-machine is shown below with nano-sensors, nano-actuator, nano-memory, nano-antenna, nano-EM transceiver, nano-processor, and nano-power unit. In the second diagram, a hybrid nanomachine is illustrated leveraging additional DNA memory, graphene based processor, molecular communication transceiver, and bio-mechanical energy harvesting system.
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)
The screenshots above summarize Zinc Oxide nanowires which can be used for vibrational energy harvesting systems in nano-devices. Then the bio-transistors are presented, where the main idea is to design a cell in the same way companies like Intel and AMD design a silicon chip, but based on protein synthesis from DNA. This would cause a revolutionary shift from silicon chips to “living circuits” (See Executive Order for similar terminology below).
Circuitry for Cells correlation to Living Circuits
Please reference the Executive Order’s goals. It states,
We need to develop [1] genetic engineering technologies
[2] techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers9
[1] “Genetic engineering technologies” refers to CRISPR gene editing technology.
[2] “Circuitry for Cells” mirrors the slide above, “living circuits”. See Teslaphoresis and DNA Circuits for more information.
Intrabody Nanonetworks Application (2012)
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)
Listed are concrete medical applications of nano-networks including:
Intra-body glucose, sodium and other ions monitoring and control
Cancer monitoring and control
Smart intra-body drug delivery
Brain pathologies such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and depression detection and control
Infectious agents detection (e.g. malaria)
Nanomachine Communication (c2012)
The research taken on by Dr. Akyildiz primarily focuses on nano-level communication and efficiencies determined by the frequency, methodology, and materials used. He discusses at length the pros and cons of path-loss, attenuation, noise, and formulas for successful nanomachine communication and presents a future mesh of nano-nodes, nano-routers, nano-links, nano-micros interfaces, gateways, and micro-links to the internet cloud.5
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)
More on Bluetooth Mesh technology and BlueTRUTH see:
Funding and Future Direction (c2011-2015)
The team was funded $3M by the National Science Foundation from 2011 to 2015. Other funding was also called out in the presentation.
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)
Future Look (c2012 to 2024)
The future of Information Technology (IT) is predicted to come to an end in ~2030 to 2040, while the Molecular Technology Era will be launched ~2020 and “will be dominating our lives for the next 80 years”. Dr. Akyildiz then carves out the study of molecular communication, defined as the transmission and reception of information encoded in molecules.6
(source: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks, N3Cat)
Odysee: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks 2012
Rumble: Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks 2012
Additional related articles:
Advanced Health System - Panacea Architecture (c2020)
In a more recent 2020 presentation at the Istanbul Commerce University Dr. Akyildiz’s research has come a long way with the following screenshots which can speak for themselves:
(source: Akyildiz, I.F. (2020). [Video] Science and Society Meetings - XI, Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız, Georgia University, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi)7
Small Scale Bio Nano Machines (2023 - mRNA)
For reference, a more recent 2023 presentation is analyzed by Dr. Mihalcea, MD, PhD. The ARRC Seminar Series by Professor Ian F. Akyildiz is listed below.
He discussed how the mRNA are just programmed small scale bio nano machines and then they are injected to monitor all health problems. “It is going really well” according to the Professor. He then proceeds to discuss the technology of full spectrum data surveillance on planet earth. Please see his full lecture here:8
(source: Youtube, ATRC, ARRC Seminar Series - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz)9
Transcribed directly starting from 13:00 minutes into the video above, Professor Akyildiz is talking about the “Internet of BioNanoThings”:
In terms of the BioNanoThings these are for the health applications… I did also a lot of research on that the last 15 years… Bio Nano-scale machines but these are for the, you know, injecting into the body and - always monitoring the health problems, and that is also really going really well, like with these COVID vaccines… it's going that direction these mRNA’s are nothing [more] than small scale nanoscale machines right, they are programmed and they're injected and that internal nanoscale things so those will be part of 7g and Beyond…10
Surveillance Question
Dr. Akyildiz in 2012 is a visionary, innovator, and as a lead R&D researcher at Georgia Institute of Technology, you can see that he inspires his team. Similar to Google Mind and OpenAI, they are all engineers, who want to solve problems, and have the ability and funding to design, prototype, and deploy technological innovations to change history.
The question then becomes,
Who then owns this technology and has the ability to use it outside of its intended applications?
As Yuvah Noah Harari, lead consultant of the World Economic Forum warns, who is the 21st century Stalin who will abuse the ability to promote fear, take control, and deploy “surveillance under the skin” without informed consent?
More details regarding “hacking humans”, and “surveillance under the skin” can be read here:
Transhumanism Recap
For review, Michael Anissimov, a futurist writer and speaker, created the following list of Transhumanism technology topics. We have only been able to touch on ~6 out of 10 areas in this series (bolded).
Mind uploading
Megascale engineering
Molecular manufacturing
Autonomous self-replicating robotics
Space colonization (touched on from the perspective of ET life)
Gene therapy/RNA interference (in a previous CRISPR article)
Virtual reality
This substack will continue to report on and analyze these topics in real time.
Let’s continue to equip the saints to persevere:
But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Luke 21:36, NASB1995
…all the nations were deceived by your sorcery.
Revelation 18:24, NASB1995
Sorcery in Greek is pharmakeia.11
Akyildiz, I. F. (2012). Fundamentals of Molecular Nano Communication Networks.
Akyildiz, I.F. (2020). [Video] Science and Society Meetings - XI, Prof. Dr. İlhan Fuat Akyıldız, Georgia University, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi.
Akyildiz, I.F. (2023). [Video] ARRC Seminar Series - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz. ATRC.
So brilliant !